For the month of June, Willed [opens in new windows] are offering supporters of Guide Dogs Tasmania a 50% discount to complete your Will online for just $79.
With Willed you can look after the people and causes closest to your heart, with just a few clicks. Then, if you can, please consider leaving a gift to Guide Dogs Tasmania – a gift of as little as 1% of your estate can make a serious difference
A gift in in your Will towards the causes you care about, is a powerful way to ensure your values live on.
Complete your bespoke Will [link opens in new window] in less than 20 minutes from the comfort of your home.
Please note that, whilst we hope that some people will consider leaving a gift in their Will to Guide Dogs Tasmania, you don’t have to do so to take up this offer. The aim is simply to raise awareness of the opportunity to include a gift in your Will if you would like to.

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