Sometimes in life, fate, fortune or plain good luck brings people into our lives just when we need them the most.
We at Guide Dogs Tasmania are still pinching ourselves; we can’t quite believe we found Caleb Miller, who is now helping us tell our stories in ways we once only dared to dream of.
Caleb, of Mac40 Music in Hobart, is a talented musician and videographer who has been working with us for the past few weeks to help us showcase the incredible work of our Puppy Development Program volunteers through the powerful medium of video.
He has given, free of charge, many hours of his time scripting, planning, filming and editing a series of videos and also creating complementary audio-only content for our vision-impaired audience. He has plans to create several more videos over the next few months.
“I didn’t really know that much about Guide Dogs Tasmania and now that I’ve been a part of this little community and seen how you guys interact with people and how you raise dogs, I feel these videos that I’m making are going to show people parts of this process that they’ve never seen before.”
“One of the benefits of giving in kind is that all you’re losing or giving, essentially, is your time and a little bit of gear, “ he says. “And in this case, I feel like I’m getting a fair bit of return on my time, which is great.
We’ll be sharing Caleb’s videos and audio content on Facebook in the coming weeks, so make sure you’re following so you can see his wonderful work!