“When you’re using a cane, people steer clear of you, but when you’ve got a Guide Dog, people will speak to you and want to know about them. So I’d always choose a Guide Dog as they give you so much freedom.”
– Lee, Guide Dog Handler
The impact a Guide Dog can have on the life of someone with low vision is truly life-changing. Just ask Lee Field.
After saying goodbye to his previous Guide Dog, Wendell, who recently hung up his harness to enjoy his retirement
(you can read more about Wendell on page 6), Lee, 73, has welcomed a new dog into his life. Guide Dog Bob is Lee’s eighth Guide Dog, and each dog has made an incredible difference in his life.
“Bob already knows how to get to the local RSL,” says Lee, who goes there regularly to catch up with some mates.
Along with going to the doctors, the chemist and doing his grocery shopping – it’s something Lee knows he wouldn’t be doing without a Guide Dog.
“Guide Dogs let you go where you want to go and do what you want to do,” he says.
Totally blind from the age of 6, Lee was matched with his first Guide Dog Rosco when he was 24.
He remembers how Guide Dog Rosco would help him to get from his house into town, then catch the ferry across the river to work.
It was the start of an independent life for Lee. And since then, he’s never looked back on his decision to get a Guide Dog.
Guide Dog Bob was generously sponsored by Mrs Bridget Stott.
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