Tyler Richardson is the lead vocalist in punk rock band Luca Brasi, which has had ARIA nominations, tracks in triple J’s Hottest 100, and toured with some of Australia’s biggest rock bands.
Tyler is also a high school teacher, a dad, and all-round terrific guy. In the midst of touring, teaching, and all the other good work he does, Tyler has made the time to write and record a song just for Guide Dogs Tasmania.
This song is about the important work Guide Dogs do, how we can make our communities more supportive and inclusive, and the love, joy and companionship dogs bring into our lives.
This International Guide Dog Day, please take a moment to listen to this beautiful song, share it far and wide, and remember how special Guide Dogs are.
Guide Dogs provide people with so much more than just independence, freedom and inclusion. They become loyal and loved companions, who bring joy, hope and opportunity, not only to the people whose lives they are changing, but also to their families.
As life-changing as Guide Dogs are, the responsibility to create supportive and inclusive communities lies with each every one of us.
Follow these tips to ensure that Guide Dogs and their handlers can safely navigate the community together:
- Always talk to the handler, not their Guide Dog.
- If you think a person needs assistance, ask them rather than assuming they need help.
- If possible, give the Guide Dog and their handler space to pass.
- Never feed, pat or distract a Guide Dog when it is wearing harness or its orange training coat.
- Make sure pet dogs are on a lead and under control in public.
- Remember that Guide Dogs are legally allowed to go everywhere their handler does.
We’re all different and unique. These differences might mean some additional support is required, but embracing diversity, understanding another’s perspective, and caring about each other is vital to quality of life.
Video credit: Domin8 Media
Well a Guide Dog’s always got your back
But just remember to please stay back
And if you wanna say hi, please say hi to my handler
And I just want to help out my very best pal
To have the best chance to get around
I’m just a good dog, so please always remember
That we’ve got the same rights as everyone
To go out and to have some fun
I’m in my best orange coat
And I’m out for an adventure
When you see us in the street
We need some room to get through
I’m just doin’ the best I can do
I’m clean and I’m quiet
I’m a pup that’s filled with love
Because I walk and I sit I know how to behave
And you do to, so let’s not wait
Sometimes the world is a big and scary place
Everyone should have the chance to participate