Appointment of Anna Presser as CEO
The EverAbility Group Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment of Anna Presser as Chief Executive Officer.

Anna Presser
Anna joined EverAbility Group in 2018 and has been Manager of Guide Dog Services since December 2019. She has been integral to building the framework to set up the organisation to grow and expand these services in both Tasmania and Western Australia.
Anna has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia and is currently completing the Leadership WA Signature Program as a scholarship participant.
Aaron Constantine, EverAbility Group Board Chair, said Anna has a wealth of life and work experiences and a passion for the organisation.
“Anna demonstrates a wonderful balance of leadership experiences, cultural values, internal knowledge particularly as they relate to Guide Dogs, and educational qualifications, as well as her strong support for our vision,”
– Aaron Constantine
“The Board elected to run a full and independent executive search process which yielded a particularly strong field of candidates. We are grateful both to Gerard-Daniels, executive recruitment specialists who ran the search process, and also the very talented individuals who applied for the position.”
The Board would like to thank Tim Platts for acting as both CEO and CFO over recent months with a steady and guiding hand.
Anna will commence in the role immediately and we wish her the very best.
EverAbility Group is the parent organisation of Guide Dogs Tasmania, VisAbility, Kites Children’s Therapy, Guide Dogs WA and Perron Place.
For further information or enquiries please contact Carol Solosy, EverAbility Group Executive Manager, Corporate Governance, on (08) 9311 8202.