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Autism Assistance Dog StoriesNews

Guide Dogs Can Go Anywhere

By April 6, 2021December 17th, 2021No Comments
lady and guide dog in training in a hotel

Just as hearing aids, wheelchairs and crutches enable people to live healthy, productive, independent, and dignified lives, Guide Dogs do the very same thing.

International Guide Dog Day is on the 28th of April, and Guide Dogs Tasmania is dedicating the month to raise awareness about the access laws and discrimination that Guide Dogs and their handlers face across the state.

Guide Dog are working animals that are trained to help people who are blind or have low vision navigate their world safely, and independently. From eight weeks of age, the dogs in our training program are socialised in public areas. They are quiet, well-behaved, non-aggressive and completely clean.
When you see a Guide Dog in harness, or wearing an orange training coat, please remember they are legally allowed access to go everywhere their handler does. A Guide Dog has full public access rights in accordance with the Guide Dogs and Hearing Dogs Act, 1967.
Living in a supportive and inclusive community is essential for our quality of life and wellbeing. Let’s make sure everybody has the same opportunities to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities.
Please remember that Guide Dogs can go anywhere.

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