“It was delightful to see the kids come out of their shells, to have fun, and share their stories and experiences with their peers.”
In January 2021 we held Tasmania’s first Test Drive a Guide Dog Camp – a truly inspirational weekend, with amazing results!
Held in the north of the state, the camp allowed young people aged 14-18 years living with vision impairment to connect with each other, and experience life with a Guide Dog.
Throughout the weekend participants took part in a range of activities aimed at providing a comprehensive and fun mobility experience across a variety of settings, including navigating their way around the local area, visiting a shopping centre, eating out, and using public transport.
They also learned how to care for the health and welfare of dogs, having a dog allocated to them for the weekend that they took full responsibility for under supervision of qualified Guide Dog Staff.
Thanks to Tassielink TransitĀ for helping make this camp possible.
Photo credit: ABC Hobart