Elizabeth has been a fundraising volunteer for Guide Dogs Tasmania for over 14 years, and is a true inspiration.
After she retired, Elizabeth wanted to give back to her community. The search for a charity with volunteer positions that would be suitable proved to be challenging for her.
“I am deaf and some organisations did not have any suitable volunteer activities for me, so I was very happy to find an organisation that was inclusive, and able to find a volunteer activity that was suitable for me,” says Elizabeth.
Elizabeth’s first volunteer role was sorting mail and organising stamp donations from collectors from all over Australia.
“I take the stamps to the Stamp Shop in Hobart to be exchanged for funds that get donated back to Guide Dogs Tasmania to help raise and train Guide and Assistance Dogs.”
She then went on to join the Collection Dog program.
“I love helping with the Collection Dog program, as it is so different to anything I did in my working life. I enjoy helping count the generous donations from the public that Guide Dogs Tasmania receive from the iconic collection dogs that you see in businesses all over the state.”
For more information about Fundraising Volunteering, click here [link opens in new window].