Our Stories

March 25, 2025

Guide Dogs Tasmania Street Appeal HOBART 2025 Volunteer Day

🐾 Can you help on International Guide Dog Day - Wednesday, April 30th 2025? We need YOU for our Guide Dogs Tasmania Street Appeal in Hobart! Help us raise $10,000…
A young boy on the beach cuddling his black dog and looking into his eyes with the text "I love you Quasi".News
November 28, 2024

The Impact of Autism Assistance Dogs: Noah and Quasi’s Story

Noah diagnosed at young age with Autism and other disabilities has already face many obstacles. His daily life involves numerous therapies and appointments, making everyday activities a challenge. Despite these…
Image of range of Guide Dogs Tasmania merchandise itemsNews
November 28, 2024

Gift a Gift from Our Exclusive Merchandise Range This Christmas

Looking for exclusive gift that makes a difference? Our exclusive range of merchandise is a great gift this Christmas for someone you love or even a Kris Kringle!  Each item…
Yellow labrador and yellow labrador puppy lie side by side, looking at the cameraNews
September 17, 2024

Scam Alert: Scammers Impersonating Guide Dogs Tasmania  

Scammers pretending to be from Guide Dogs Tasmania have posted on Facebook.   A member of the public has notified us that a scam was posted on Tuesday 17 September…
person with a Guide Dog in trainingNews
June 22, 2023

Look good, feel good and stay warm!

Get your cold weather staples sorted with our new line of winter merch! We have adult unisex jumpers available in two styles – a light grey crew neck or a…
Tyler with his guitar and two dogsAccess RightsNews
April 6, 2023

A song for Guide Dogs Tasmania

Tyler Richardson is the lead vocalist in punk rock band Luca Brasi, which has had ARIA nominations, tracks in triple J's Hottest 100, and toured with some of Australia's biggest…
The Angove family with RonnieAutism Assistance Dog StoriesNews
March 6, 2023

Ronnie and Cooper

Cooper, aged 10, is autistic. His autism makes him think, feel and interact very differently from other children his age. His reactions can be unpredictable, which makes everyday tasks really…
two pups laying on the floor with their motherNewsPuppy Development Program Stories
February 6, 2023

Our first Tasmanian born puppies!

One of our very own dogs, Freda, has given birth to two puppies who are now eight weeks old. The pups are named Digby and Dora, and are delightful bundles…
Fundraising StoriesNewsVolunteer Stories
February 1, 2023

Elizabeth finds the perfect role

Elizabeth has been a fundraising volunteer for Guide Dogs Tasmania for over 14 years, and is a true inspiration. After she retired, Elizabeth wanted to give back to her community.…
two people with a dogCompanion Dog StoriesNews
September 27, 2022

Alfie the Companion Dog – more than just a friend

Margaret and Stephen are experienced dog owners who have always had dogs in their lives, but they describe Alfie as ‘very, very special’. Companion Dog Alfie joined the couple nine…
little girl wearing a hero costumeFundraising StoriesNews
July 26, 2022

Schools for our super heroes

The amazing puppies that change the world for Tasmanians with low vision, disability and illness aren’t the only heroes in the Guide Dogs Tasmania story. Our other heroes are you,…
ziggieFacility Dog StoriesNews
July 26, 2022

Ziggie lends a comforting paw

Beautiful Facility Dog Ziggie has been making the world a better place by lending her gentle presence to people in need of cuddles, comfort, calmness and courage. Facility Dogs can…
SarahNewsVolunteer Stories
July 26, 2022

Sarah’s support is a work of art

We’re always so thankful for the support of you, our wonderful community – and we never cease to be inspired by the many forms that support can take! Take, for…
Jenny and guide dog victorGuide Dog StoriesNews
July 26, 2022

Victor helps Jenny regain her confidence

Gentle but quirky black Labrador, Victor, is helping Jenny reclaim her independence, her energy – and her life – after the loss of her beloved Guide Dog, Quinnell. Quinnell was…
bus with guide dogs can go anywhere wrapNews
June 9, 2022

Guide Dogs, taxis, buses and access rights

From buses, to taxis, to taxi ranks – our 2022  ‘Guide dogs can go anywhere’ campaign is everywhere! We've been working with Metro Tasmania and 13 Cabs Hobart to raise awareness and…
Two happy people with a Guide Dog in TrainingNewsPuppy Development Program Stories
March 3, 2022

A bundle of joy

For first-time Puppy Raisers Georgie and Blair Smith, taking on tiny Teagan brought joy at a difficult time. After their beloved Labrador Doug passed away quite suddenly last year, the…
Sharon next to a golden LabradorNewsRegular Giving Stories
March 3, 2022

The pleasure of giving back

Puppy Love member Sharon Fotheringham is one of those people who finds more joy in giving than she does in receiving. Sharon, of Forcett, served the community as a police…
Guide Dog Handler showing his Guide Dog a roseGuide Dog StoriesNews
March 3, 2022

Bringing Harmony to Ian’s life

They’ve only been together for about four months, but even in that time, Guide Dog Harmony has changed Ian’s life. Ian Preston’s vision deteriorated significantly four and a half years…
black pup with colourful collar and toysNews
March 3, 2022

Spoil your pooch

We’ve added some wonderful doggy products to our online shop! We have collars and leashes, walkie pouches and pop-up pools (that can also be used as ball pits) from DOOG,…
Kim patting a black LabradorGuide Dog StoriesNews
February 9, 2022

Hanging up the harness

Supporters like yourself often ask us, ‘What happens to a Guide Dog when it retires?’ It’s a great question and one that Kim Ryan, Program Manager for Guide Dog Services,…
man looking at the cameraGuide Dog StoriesNewsSponsorship Stories
February 9, 2022

A new companion for Lee

"When you’re using a cane, people steer clear of you, but when you’ve got a Guide Dog, people will speak to you and want to know about them. So I’d…
man smiling at camera holding mini collection dogNewsVolunteer Stories
February 9, 2022

Peter gets the job done!

"I would certainly recommend it to anyone who would like to do something worthwhile. You get all the support you need, and it’s an excellent way to spend your day."…
smiling lady with Guide DogGuide Dog StoriesNews
February 9, 2022

Dianne’s new journey with Sara

"Sara is so gentle and friendly, and we bonded instantly. It's as though she said, I'll have you; you can be mine." - Dianne, Guide Dog Handler Dianne lost her…
Peter smiling at the cameraGift in Will StoriesNews
October 19, 2021

Supporting Tasmanians now, and in the future

“Having my Will organised is a load off my mind... I just hope more people do it.” – Peter   Ever since Peter Bomford started looking after our training dogs,…
pauline and her husband holding two puppiesNewsPuppy Development Program Stories
October 19, 2021

Pauline, a proud Puppy Raiser!

It’s the best feeling in the world! – Pauline Do you remember Vinnie, our Autism Assistance Dog who we introduced you to in the last edition of Paw Prints? This…
Handler Phil and his guide dog YodaGuide Dog StoriesNews
October 19, 2021

Yoda is guiding Phil through new beginnings

He picks things up so quickly and lets me focus on getting to my destination. – Phil When Phil Menzie started a new job this year, the change was made…
Anna presserNews
September 22, 2021

CEO Appointment

Appointment of Anna Presser as CEO The EverAbility Group Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment of Anna Presser as Chief Executive Officer. Anna Presser Anna joined EverAbility…
dog standing next to a patient in a hospital bedFacility Dog StoriesNews
September 13, 2021

Gilbert the Facility Dog

Guide Dogs Tasmania is thrilled to announce we recently placed our very first Facility Dog! Gilbert now works at the Launceston General Hospital emergency department, and is the first canine…
little boy hugging a dogAutism Assistance Dog StoriesNews
July 26, 2021

A new best friend

Autism Assistance Dog, Vinnie, has made himself at home since being introduced to the Bugg family in April. Lucas' mother Natalie Bugg said the results have been nothing short of…
Judy WadeNewsRegular Giving Stories
July 26, 2021

Feel good, do good!

“The more generous people we have giving their time, the more people we can help.”  — Judy Wade  If you want to do something that makes you feel good, Judy…
Felicity and Tony WalchNewsRegular Giving Stories
July 26, 2021

Fourteen years of supporting puppies to change lives

It’s nice to think that we’ve contributed a bit. It all helps. — Tony and Felicity Walch  As dog lovers, following the progress of our special puppies continues to be…
client Emily with HarveyGuide Dog StoriesNews
July 26, 2021

Harvey brings Emily happiness, safety and friendship

"He’s just brought so much love and happiness and increased Emily’s confidence."  — mum, Wendy  When we first introduced you to Emily Pettit in our August 2019 edition of Paw…
dog with dog foodNews
June 30, 2021

We’ve partnered with Delicate Care to keep our dogs happy and healthy

Guide Dogs Tasmania is proud to announce our new partnership with Delicate Care Australian owned and made, Delicate Care is an independent company that has been making scientifically formulated, premium…
children dressed up in superhero costumesNews
June 15, 2021

Guide Dogs Tasmania’s Super Schools!

Dress up this September, and help Guide Dogs Tasmania raise heroes! Here at Guide Dogs Tasmania, we raise heroes, the furry four-legged kind that change the lives of Tasmanians living with…
two happy ladies chattingNews
May 4, 2021

Introducing EverAbility Group

In June 2016, Guide Dogs Tasmania merged with VisAbility Ltd to allow for the delivery of a greater range and level of service for people living with a disability in…
lady and guide dog in training in a hotelAutism Assistance Dog StoriesNews
April 6, 2021

Guide Dogs Can Go Anywhere

Just as hearing aids, wheelchairs and crutches enable people to live healthy, productive, independent, and dignified lives, Guide Dogs do the very same thing. International Guide Dog Day is on…
Little boy smiling, and laying next to a pet dogAutism Assistance Dog StoriesNews
March 23, 2021

Lucas waits for an Autism Assistance Dog

Lucas is a little six-year-old boy who is currently on our waitlist for an Autism Assistance Dog. He lives with his mum, dad and big brother in the north of…
a pup and a young boy in a kayakNewsPuppy Development Program Stories
March 1, 2021

Setting a pup up for life

“What I’m offering is an opportunity to add value to someone else’s life, someone who needs him more than I do.” It’s been 20 years since she raised her last…
smiling young boy next to a dog in at shirtNewsTherapy Dog Stories
March 1, 2021

Grady the Therapy Dog

Thanks to our wonderful supporters, beautiful black Labrador Grady is changing the lives of Tasmanian children and their families.  Raised as a Guide Dog puppy in Hobart, Grady’s career path…
a smiling lady sitting behind a dogNewsSponsorship Stories
March 1, 2021

A selfless act of kindness

“To the people who receive one of these special dogs, it opens up a whole new world; giving them a chance to work, participate in society and to live a…
dog with his handlers hands resting on himGuide Dog StoriesNews
March 1, 2021

Clinton and Frankie

“We’re still in early days and I feel like there’s more we can do. But Frankie is a great companion and such a big part of my life now.” When…
four young people standing next to Guide DogsGuide Dog StoriesNews
February 10, 2021

Test drive a Guide Dog camp

"It was delightful to see the kids come out of their shells, to have fun, and share their stories and experiences with their peers." In January 2021 we held Tasmania's…
smiling lady looking at her Guide DogGuide Dog StoriesNews
November 29, 2020

Karen and Taylor

“I was staying at home and I didn’t want to go out and talk to people. I had no idea just how isolated I had become.”  Before being placed with…
smiling lady looking at the cameraNewsRegular Giving Stories
November 4, 2020

Support our pups can count on

“I’m so pleased to be a Puppy Love Member, knowing my small, regular donations help these incredible puppies on their journey to transform someone’s life.”   Thanks to Puppy Love Members like Hazel, a regular stream…
smiling woman with a guide dogGuide Dog StoriesNews
November 4, 2020

A constant companion

“I found myself relying on Pepper as a friend and companion more than ever before.” It has been a challenging year but thanks to your support Tasmanians like Sara who live with blindness or…
NewsVolunteer Stories
November 2, 2020

Volunteers welcomed back

“I felt a bit lost for a while. But I understood the precautions that were being taken and knew it wouldn’t last forever. I was just counting down the days until I could be back at Guide Dogs…
Smiling lady with a black dog wearing a motarboardNews
October 19, 2020

2020 Graduation Ceremony

Video credit: Domin8 Media Guide Dogs Tasmania recently celebrated our 2020 Guide Dog Graduation Ceremony.  Thanks to the generous support of the community, we had seven beautiful dogs graduating today.…
dog in a training coatNews
September 10, 2020

Benji finds his true calling

“I hope the people who put all that work into raising and training him can see just what a difference he’s making.” Shelley, Doorways Program Facilitator Benji came to Guide…
a line of feet of collection model dogsNews
September 10, 2020

Old dogs, new tricks

“I'm thrilled to keep part of our history alive, and share them with generations to come.” Kristy, Community Fundraising Coordinator Our Collection Dogs program is back up and running and…
Dog under deskNews
September 10, 2020

Resourcefulness and resilience help us through COVID

“Having dogs at home was so valuable to many of us, lessening the isolation and keeping us more connected with community interested in the work we were doing and offering…
happy lady with a dogVolunteer Stories
July 28, 2020

Zoe’s story

Q&A with our volunteer, Zoe Can you tell us a bit about the volunteering roles you have done with Guide Dogs Tasmania? I’ve been volunteering with Guide Dogs Tasmania for…
picture of a smiling ladyVolunteer Stories
July 28, 2020

Shen’s story

Q&A with our volunteer, Shen Can you tell us a bit about the volunteering roles you have done with Guide Dogs Tasmania? I started out as a fundraising event volunteer…
dog nose next to box of coffeeNews
July 21, 2020

Coffee that changes lives

Delicious, premium, eco-friendly coffee Guide Dogs Tasmania has partnered with Australis Coffee to bring you delicious, premium, eco-friendly coffee, which will help raise and train Guide and Assistance Dogs, right here…
a client with a black dogGuide Dog Stories
July 16, 2020

Wayne and Elly

The start of a beautiful new relationship  Devoted black Labrador, Elly, has changed Wayne Pollard’s life in just a few short weeks. When Wayne, a truck driver, developed blurred vision…
a smiling woman and man with a dogNews
July 16, 2020

A life-changing experience

“It’s very worthwhile... it’s given us so much as well. It really is a lovely experience.” They may only live with them for a comparatively short time, but the pups…
January 22, 2020

The gift of time and talent

Sometimes in life, fate, fortune or plain good luck brings people into our lives just when we need them the most.  We at Guide Dogs Tasmania are still pinching ourselves;…
Kids DogGuide Dog Stories
January 22, 2020

Max and Riley

Max was having up to three very physical meltdowns a week. For Max’s mum, Melanie, these meltdowns often meant black eyes and fat lips. “There would be yelling and screaming...…
HarveyGuide Dog Stories
January 22, 2020

Emily and Harvey

Emily Pettit has always been shy but now, with Guide Dog Harvey by her side, she is a young woman on a mission to share information and spread understanding in…
Anne with Guide Dog BillyGuide Dog Stories
January 22, 2020

Anne and Billie

 “Having Billie makes the world feel much friendlier, because before, it was all about obstacles, whereas now, it’s just about freedom.” Anne had been using a cane for several years…
MichaelPuppy Development Program Stories
January 22, 2020

Michael’s story

Puppy Boarding can be a great soft entry point into dog ownership, and an invaluable way give back to your community. Guide Dog Boarder, Michael Sims, has welcomed many pups…
Lady and dogPuppy Development Program Stories
January 22, 2020

Dee’s story

I just wouldn't be able to hand a pup back! This is something we hear regularly when it comes to raising a Guide Dog pup, but this is the glass-half-empty…
woman wearing a blindfold walking with a Guide Dog and manPuppy Development Program Stories
January 22, 2020

Sue’s story

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to navigate the world without little or no vision? Having raised six puppies for Guide Dogs Tasmania, Sue McConnell has given the matter…
Man and dogVolunteer Stories
January 22, 2020

Rob’s story

Guide Dogs Tasmania is so thankful for our amazing team of volunteers After struggling with his mental health for a number of years, the 27-year-old from Launceston looked into volunteering…
MerranGift in Will Stories
January 22, 2020

Merran’s story

Merran Thurley has made the ultimate gift that will one day give someone the joy of a Guide Dog. “Guide Dogs have been such a big part of my life,…
Philip WhiteheadGift in Will Stories
January 22, 2020

Philip’s story

“One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.” - Chinese proverb Philip Whitehead’s generosity today will help give independence, safety and community connection to Tasmanians he may never meet,…
Mrs SelfGift in Will Stories
January 22, 2020

Barbara’s story

Thank you Barbara Self In 2016, Barbara Self attended a graduation ceremony that had a lasting impression on her. It was the first official graduation ceremony held by Guide Dogs…

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